Technology in the trailer is represented in a positive way as it seems to be quite advanced with new features that have now been adapted to enhance viewing pleasure for its audiences.
New features include better resolution, high quality pictures and sounds, actor’s personal scenes on making the film and online extras which include bonus features which make the audience interact with the movie and is also user-friendly as it is shown to be quite easy to use.
The fact that HD DVDs and Blue ray disc DVDs have better resolution enhances picture quality as well as sound quality. This shows technology to be quite advanced as it is getting better.
Moreover the voiceover in the trailer says the phrase ‘crystal clear sound’ to emphasise how good technology has become. The word ‘crystal’ emphasises how clear cut everything know is with the up to date technology of HD DVDS and Blue ray DVDs.
Furthermore in the trailer it states the formats to be three times better than original formats which also suggest how technology is increasingly progressing. However unfortunately both types of DVD formats are not compatible with each other and neither will play on standards DVD players.